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Juteau Johnson Comba Inc. is committed to providing professional and objective analysis in a cost efficient and timely manner. The firm specializes in appraising the following types of property:

• Office Buildings
• Industrial Properties
• Self Storage Facilities
• Rental and Condominium Apartment Buildings
• Retirement Homes
• Vacant Land
• Retail Plazas/Shopping Centres
• Hotel and Motels
• Special Use properties including churches and schools
• Sports and Entertainment Facilities
• Subdivisions

Our primary mandate involves estimating market value for mortgage financing purposes. However, assignments are also undertaken for the following requirements:

• Accounting Standards including IFRS
• Acquisition and Disposal Strategy
• Assessment Appeals
• Asset Management
• Capital Gains and Estate Tax Planning
• Cash Flow Analysis
• Due Diligence
• Expropriation
• Feasibility Analysis
• General Litigation
• Highest and Best Use Analysis
• Investment and Risk Analysis
• Land Lease Valuations
• Lease Arbitrations
• Lease Versus Purchase Analysis
• Market Rent Analysis/Surveys
• LPAT Hearings
• OSC Approved Valuations
• Purchase Price Allocation (Land/Building Split)
• Replacement Cost for Insurance Purposes
• Strategic Land Use Studies