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Several assignments every year are completed for arbitration and civil litigation purposes. The most common arbitration issue is the determination of market rent for the renewal term of a lease. Other issues involve the estimate of land value pursuant to the renewal terms of a land lease and/or the determination of the interest rate to be applied to the estimated market value of the land in order to estimate market rent. Civil litigation issues have ranged from the value of undeveloped land for the break-up of a partnership, market rent of apartment units to determine provincial rent subsidies, the rental value of parking, the market value of a site one day before draft plan or site plan approval for cash-in-lieu of parkland calculations by the City of Ottawa, and the valuation of properties for power-of-sale or matrimonial proceedings.

The principals of Juteau Johnson Comba Inc. work closely with legal counsel in reviewing the appraisal issues, coordinating other expert witnesses, investigating and critiquing other expert witness reports relating to valuation issues and preparing for trial. We are committed to detailed and accurate research of market information and thorough analysis of market data. Our reports are informative and sufficiently detailed and logically presented with a view towards defending them before a court or tribunal