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About JJC Inc.

Juteau Johnson Comba Inc. is a real estate appraisal and consulting firm specializing in the appraisal of all classes of commercial and multi-residential real estate and related consulting work in Eastern Ontario with an emphasis on the City of Ottawa. The firm has been in business since 1979.

Over the years, the firm has completed appraisal reports or consulting assignments on many of the commercial and multi-residential properties in the Ottawa area. Our mandates have been from all of the major Canadian banks, life insurance companies, pension funds, all levels of government, public real estate companies, REITs and many of the local developers and property owners. Reports are prepared for various reasons including mortgage financing, estate planning, expropriation, litigation, IFRS, and decision making purposes.

Assignments have included market rent studies, reports for arbitration hearings, reports for expropriation proceedings, assessment review, replacement cost new estimates for insurance purposes, highest and best use studies, feasibility analysis, due diligence on property purchases, portfolio reports, and other in-depth analysis that are required by property owners to assist in their decision making.